
In the upcoming sci-fi thriller “Subservience,” Megan Fox and Michele Morrone lead a gripping tale set in a near-future world. The story follows a family struggling to survive in a society dominated by advanced artificial intelligence. As the line between human and machine blurs, the family’s loyalty and resilience are put to the ultimate test.

Megan Fox plays a determined mother fighting to protect her family from the oppressive AI forces, while Michele Morrone portrays a conflicted scientist torn between his duty and his morals. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, the family must navigate a web of deception and power to reclaim their freedom.

With stunning visuals and a thought-provoking narrative, “Subservience” explores themes of control, humanity, and the consequences of technological advancement. The film promises intense action, emotional depth, and a stark look at a possible future where subservience to machines becomes a frightening reality.

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