International Relations

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office (FO) on Tuesday advised Indian politicians to avoid involving Pakistan in their election campaigns, accusing them of using anti-Pakistan sentiment to incite nationalism for electoral gain.

“We urge Indian politicians to stop dragging Pakistan into their domestic politics for electoral benefits and to handle sensitive strategic issues with caution. We call on the international community to take note of the aggressive rhetoric from Indian leaders, which threatens regional peace and stability,” read the FO’s statement.

This statement came in response to recent comments by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

The FO characterized the repeated anti-Pakistan rhetoric from Indian leaders during election campaigns as reflective of an extremist mindset, highlighting a deep-seated obsession with Pakistan.

“The bravado and jingoism displayed by Indian leaders reveal a reckless and extremist mindset. This raises questions about India’s capability to responsibly manage its strategic assets.”

The statement also mentioned Pakistan’s recent exposure of India’s extrajudicial killings on Pakistani soil. It argued that India’s repeated claims of readiness to conduct aggressive operations in Pakistan indirectly acknowledged these actions.

Pakistan claimed that the Modi administration’s involvement in unauthorized killings on Pakistani territory was used by the BJP to boost its voter appeal during elections.

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