
Pumpkin seeds are a nutritious and versatile ingredient that can enhance both sweet and savory dishes. Whether you’ve just carved a pumpkin or bought a bag of pepitas, knowing how to properly enjoy and store these seeds can make a big difference. Here’s a guide to eating pumpkin seeds, including tips on how to remove the shells, different ways to use them, and how to store them for maximum freshness.

Types of Pumpkin Seeds

Whole Pumpkin Seeds
Whole pumpkin seeds, also known as shell-on or unshelled seeds, include the outer husk.

  • Raw: Raw whole pumpkin seeds have a tough, fibrous shell that can be challenging to chew.
  • Roasted: Roasting makes the shells crispier and easier to eat while enhancing the nutty flavor.

Pepitas (Shelled Pumpkin Seeds)
Pepitas are pumpkin seeds with the outer shell removed. They are also referred to as hulled pumpkin seeds.

  • Raw: Raw pepitas have a mild, nutty flavor with a slightly chewy texture.
  • Roasted: Roasting pepitas intensifies their flavor, giving them a crunchy yet creamy texture.

How to Eat Pumpkin Seeds

  • Whole Pumpkin Seeds: Ideal for snacking, especially after roasting.
  • Pepitas: Versatile and can be used in a variety of ways including granola, baked goods, and as a garnish.

Ways to Use Pumpkin Seeds

  • Toss in Granola: Add pepitas to homemade granola or trail mix for extra crunch and nutrition.
  • Fold into Baked Goods: Incorporate pepitas into cookie batters, bread crusts, or sprinkle on top before baking.
  • Sprinkle on Breakfast Foods: Use shelled pumpkin seeds as a topping for yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal.
  • Make Candy Brittle: Create a sweet treat by turning pepitas into pumpkin seed brittle with butter, brown sugar, and honey.
  • Garnish Savory Dishes: Use pepitas as a topping for pasta, salads, or soups, or blend them into a dairy-free “Parmesan cheese” alternative.
  • Add to Dips or Spreads: Replace pine nuts with pepitas in pesto or add them to hummus and guacamole.
  • Make Pumpkin Seed Butter: Blend roasted pepitas with oil and salt to create a smooth, nut-free alternative to peanut butter.

How to Store Pumpkin Seeds (And How Long They Last)

  • Whole Pumpkin Seeds: Store raw seeds in a cool, dry place for up to six months. Roasted seeds last about one to two weeks at room temperature or up to two months in the refrigerator.
  • Shelled Pumpkin Seeds: Keep raw pepitas in the refrigerator for up to one year. Roasted pepitas last one to two weeks at room temperature or up to one month in the refrigerator.

When to Toss: Discard pumpkin seeds if they taste bitter, show signs of mold or discoloration, or have a musty odor. Fresh seeds should be crisp; if they are soft or mushy, they are no longer good.

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