Video Games


  • Achieving 100% completion in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a challenging yet rewarding journey.
  • Player UndeadMarigold concluded their completion run by visiting Arthur Morgan’s grave, sparking deep reflections on the game’s narrative.
  • Completing the game with High Honor, UndeadMarigold’s tribute included flowers on Arthur’s grave, resonating with the community.

A Heartfelt Tribute

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player recently completed their 100% run in a poignant manner. Known as UndeadMarigold on Reddit, this player chose to end their journey by visiting Arthur Morgan’s grave as John Marston. This emotional final scene, with John standing beside Arthur’s grave, has struck a chord with many players, who have shared their reflections on the game’s story.

The Challenge of 100% Completion

Achieving 100% completion in Red Dead Redemption 2 is no small feat. The game’s expansive open world is filled with various activities, side quests, and collectibles. For many, the sense of accomplishment is heightened by the game’s deeply engaging narrative.

Emotional Significance

UndeadMarigold’s decision to visit Arthur Morgan’s grave adds an emotional layer to their completion run. Arthur’s grave, located in Ambarino, overlooks a serene valley. For players who complete the game with High Honor, the grave is adorned with flowers, symbolizing Arthur’s redemption in his final days.

The image of John Marston at Arthur Morgan’s grave has resonated deeply within the community. Players have noted the significance of Arthur’s request to be buried facing the sunset, contrasting with the sunrise he witnessed before his death. This final act emphasizes the complex narrative and lasting impact of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Lasting Legacy

Since its release in 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to leave a mark on the gaming world. As players like UndeadMarigold celebrate its rich characters and emotional depth, it’s clear that the game’s influence will endure for years to come.

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